Throughout the life of a business, managers have to do a proper analysis to figure out what will continue to help them grow. Companies have had to learn how to think outside the norm to provide the necessary tools and resources for their employees to become more effective at their jobs.

Through various growths in technology, along with creative and innovative strategies, we have put together a list of some of the best tools to enhance company teamwork and get the job done more efficiently. 

Here are some of our top favorites you may want to consider implementing into your daily company operations.

Glass Whiteboards

Behind every creative is some form of a vision board. An incredibly effective way to entice the creatives in your office is to provide them with glass whiteboards. These can give any member of the team an opportunity to keep track of their professional goals or jot down their to-do lists.

It’s also a way to promote collaboration for your team to work together on projects as they share their ideas and brainstorm their marketing strategies. Plus, a glass whiteboard adds a clean, modern aesthetic to the office, conference room, or other collaborative space.

Internal Communication Tools

Since the pandemic, more business owners are utilizing the concept of remote work to help cut costs and improve company culture. However, because of this, a different obstacle has to be overcome. Internal communications are extremely important for any business to thrive and can become more difficult to maintain when the staff is not working from the same office space every day.

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Thankfully, there are a plethora of free tools available for your company to use to stay in touch with each other, depending on the size of your team. Slack and Discord are messaging tools that allow you to share documents and tasks with one another. You can create different streams for various departments or projects that are going on.

This way, you can make sure only necessary people are receiving the information. You may not need your HR department to receive all of the latest updates from the sales team. You can even have a channel, as they are called, specifically for sharing fun and interesting things happening within your team on a more personal level, once again improving the company culture.

Invest in a CRM and Project Management Systems

No matter the size of your company, the effectiveness of your business and its employees can absolutely benefit from having a functioning CRM system, otherwise known as customer relationship management, along with project management software.

Each come with their own set of benefits that are essential for any growing business. CRM systems are able to help streamline workflows and sales processes, while project management systems are for tracking daily operating procedures and tasks.

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Salesforce, Asana, and Monday are some of the big ones that have made substantial headway within the CRM and project management industry. Basecamp and Trello have made significant headway as well.

Depending on what you need, many of these CRM and project management software allow you to customize the dashboard to tailor to every aspect of your business. Some of these options can be free, but the more in-depth and customized you get, the pricier they can become. It is, however, well worth the investment if you are looking to streamline your company’s productivity, tracking, and overall effectiveness of achieving its goals.

Plus, it automates many of the remedial tasks and allows your team to focus on the other revenue-generating tasks for the overall betterment of the company.

Cloud-Based Storage

There is nothing worse than discovering that your financials, marketing collateral, or other crucial documents for your business have disappeared due to a technology crash or cyber security attack. Unfortunately, many small businesses don’t necessarily believe they need to utilize cloud-based storage. But as your business grows, you will be wondering why you didn’t think to do this from the very beginning.

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Instead of having to send over large files or spreadsheets to have your team members contribute their numbers or receive necessary high-resolution photos, there is an alternative that could save you all of the hassle. A secure cloud-based storage system for all of your company’s documents will enable your business to run effectively through collaboration and overall time management.

Marketing Tools

The realm of marketing entails everything from graphic design and social media to advertising and print collateral. Each aspect of the marketing department can benefit greatly from the different options available online.

The best part is that most of them have free basic packages, which are great for any small business that is just starting up.

If you don’t have a wealth of knowledge in graphic design and aren’t well versed in Adobe products, Canva is a super user-friendly alternative that is very inexpensive. Software like Mailchimp or Constant Contact for managing and implementing email marketing campaigns, and Hootsuite or Buffer for scheduling out your social media content can all help to make your team run more effectively.

Most programs have the capability to automize many of their services. That way, your marketing department can spend more of their time strategizing the next holiday sales campaign rather than manually posting and emailing your customers.

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