This is the name given to workers who do primarily physical labor, often in large enterprises. The concept came to us from the West (from Great Britain), where its stable expression sounds like “blue-collar worker. Traditionally (historically so), it is a working class. Such an expression refers to skilled workers or workers engaged in physical labor in factories, shops, on construction sites. Their uniforms are primarily dark blue or blue to avoid getting dirty quickly, which was the reason for the name.

Construction workers, electricians, plumbers, mechanics, and car mechanics are in-demand professions in 2022. Work in manufacturing (plants, factories) involves physical labor with relatively high wages and social guarantees, especially in companies owned by foreign owners. The number of jobs in construction and mining is generally expected to increase compared to the previous year. Employment levels of masons, tilers, and pavers will increase. Demand for installers and energy technicians is exceptionally high, projected to increase between 2020 and 2030.

To succeed in a construction position, an engineer must have broad knowledge and skills in several areas. For example, he must know geodesy, design, construction norms and technical standards, and event management. Usually, the civil engineer is not directly involved in the development of building designs – the architect specializes in that – but he can be involved in the process and, at a minimum, must understand the design documentation.

The primary responsibilities of the civil engineer are as follows:

  • Pre-project data collection, studying where the building is to be erected.
  • Participation in developing projects, planning, and reconstruction of territories.
  • Control of compliance of the works with the existing design documentation and technical standards.
  • Selection of the most efficient materials, technologies, tools, and special equipment for implementing construction tasks.
  • Participation in all stages of construction of buildings and structures, technical facilities, and communications.
  • Setup and adjustment of specialized equipment and machinery.
  • Carrying out construction expertise and participation in the acceptance-acceptance of completed construction works.
  • The builder can work not only on building construction but also on building hydraulic structures, power plants, and other facilities.
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Retail is expanding both in the number of players and in the available jobs. So now it is no surprise that stores have their baristas, cooks, meat deboners, bakers, and confectioners, in addition to cashiers and salespeople. In addition, clothing-shoe and technology stores actively attract young people, offering them training and fabulous parties, gift drawings, and vacations at overseas resorts.

On the other hand, it is not uncommon for salespeople to be involved in the administration of the “point” or active sales, for example, by phone. Not to mention the work with the cash register and cleaning the workplace.

One of the pluses of working in a trade is the opportunity to start from scratch at almost any age, to find work near home on a convenient schedule. And you can grow in your career if you want to.

The chronic shortage of workers has a long history and is unlikely to end soon. The reluctance of young people to do physical labor even for good money, lack of career guidance, and competition between industrialists and foreign ones have led to the current situation. The wages at factories are pretty high, and social benefits envy even white-collar workers in offices.

In addition, manufacturing plants are located not only in large cities but also in smaller communities. Another essential nuance – production companies may be owned by different owners. At the same time, international companies are more stringent regarding safety and social guarantees.

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Even if absolutely everything is automated and robotic, the control function will be performed by people – representatives of working professions. So the quality of life of an individual and the whole state depends directly on the quality of their professional skills.

In the past, working professions were prestigious, and their representatives enjoyed several privileges, so young people went there, allowing the development of specialties in proportion to the improvement of technology. Now the popularity of such professions has significantly decreased: millennials are choosing other directions, and representatives of previous generations are used to working “the old way.” Implementation of know-how is long and complicated and sometimes does not happen. It is an inadmissible luxury in the global race to increase the productivity and efficiency of each employee.

Advantages of the blue-collar jobs

If you decide to train for a job, then you get a lot of different advantages:

  • The chances of finding a suitable job increase. In most cases, there is a significant shortage of personnel at various companies, and, accordingly, many employers recruit people even without work experience;
  • High wages. Because of the lack of workers, many employers are ready to pay higher wages to blue-collar workers. And accordingly, you can get a good salary once you get a job. And if you carefully study the market today, a young locksmith earns more than a novice lawyer;
  • The development of the industrial industry. Today, many cities are seeing the development of the industrial field. And every year, more and more enterprises are opened in large cities, offering jobs for a decent pay;
  • A short learning curve.
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Disadvantages of the blue-collar jobs

Of course, in the case of this profession is not without disadvantages:

  • There is a risk of getting an occupational disease;
  • Some companies offer unfavorable working conditions;
  • Such professions are not the most prestigious.
  • But in all other aspects, working professions are significantly preferable.

Wages in such occupations depend on the qualifications of the personnel and the country. Moreover, foreign employers guarantee:

  • insurance, 
  • formal employment,
  • provide housing, food, and workwear.

Thus, we must assimilate three facts about the working profession:

  • It is in demand: it develops and improves. The development of the economy is on a path that is impossible without skilled workers. Hence the need for them is growing.
  • It is prestigious: the working class is slowly but surely regaining prestige. Their working conditions and pay are becoming more and more decent.
  • It is profitable: a skilled worker can make a decent living.

Who needs workers?

The primary demand for working professions has always been in industrial enterprises in large and small, and medium-sized businesses.

For those interested in these areas, it is worth paying attention to professions such as the cook, waiter, bartender, driver, seller, painter, plasterer, carpenter, carpenter, mechanic, and electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment. Also, there are professions such as the concrete worker, tiler-tiler, reinforcer, mason, roofer, electrical installer, welder, machinist (bulldozer, crane, excavator, motor grader, mobile man, boiler), hairdresser, mechanic to repair the car, machinist, boiler operator, communication operator, driver, machine operator.

Remember that the main thing is to be the best at what you do, no matter what category of worker you belong to. If you are looking for jobs in Qatar – site will be very useful. Don’t miss your high-paid job right now!

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