Cats tend to have various personalities and while a few of the felines might enjoy the outdoors, time spent outside the house is always good for a cat’s mental and physical health.

Cats are extremely active and love the outdoors. They always enjoy ample amount of space to run, which is exactly why you should get a cat-fence by logging on to   

Let’s at first answer the most basic question: What is a cat-fence and why is it needed?

You might have a beautifully done outdoor fence already, but having a kitty-proof fence is what makes the difference. Felines are popular for having sharp claws on their athletic body, which gives them the advantage of easily jumping over a typical fence. 

On the other side, at will act as a barrier to provide an enclosure exclusively for your puffy and fluffy family member. It’s fitted with an overhang to keep your pet from climbing back and forth. Others may be used only as an add-on, whereas others are already self-contained. Here are the styles of cat fences to choose from to get a better understanding.

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You can make your pick from the following cat fences for a better understanding:

  1. Free-Standing fences: The fence justifies its name to the fullest. It can stand on its own. While one of them can also be mounted along your already standing fence. 

Free standing fences come with a mesh netting. Your feline might be able to climb a few inches off the ground on the mesh net. But, because of the weight of the cat, the feline won’t be able to go over when the fence pulls down on him. In case your cat is bigger in size, this type of fence will not be enough.

  1. Add-On Fencing System: If you already have a secure, attractive fence marking your perimeter, an add-on fence is fine. It comes with a mesh band attached to the portion located above of your already existing fence. The series of brackets that this type of fencing at comes with will create an overhang that stops your cat from escaping. Only make sure your current fence is in excellent shape. You must scan it carefully to make sure that there are no gaps or openings that a cat would shake through.
  2. Wireless or Electronic Fence: Here comes a variety of fence that is also called as an invisible fence since there is no physical structure. Rather, what it actually is about is a wire, buried in the grass, which maintains a wireless connection with the collar you make your cat wear. Make sure you train your pet well by marking the wired area in your backyard or porch with flags or sticks for the beginning of few weeks. Stop the cat every time you see her crossing the flags. If, in your absence, the cat behaves rebellious and crosses the flags, the collar will receive a signal that will give a slight shock to your feline, making it less likely for the cat to touch the invisible barrier.
  3. Fencing of metal: The metal fence at is slightly different from that of a dog’s fence. What is quite distinctive about this metallic cat-fence is the bounded arch or roof just over the metal fence. This plays an important role in preventing your feline from jumping over the fence.
  4. Spiky Stripes: In case you have a pre-existing fence, you also have the option of adding spiky strips to it. They are meant to discourage your pet from jumping along with but preventing other wild animals or strays from entering your yard. 
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You should always remember that a cat-fence is not meant for the safety of just your pet, but it also protects your children. If you already have a fence, you do not have to lay the ground rules from the beginning but what you do is examine your property well to see and weigh every option that allows your cat to enjoy being outdoors while being well-protected at the same time.  

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